There are a handful of situations that can cause you to be uninsurable. These are difficult situations to approach.
First and foremost, make sure you are truly uninsurable. Just because you have been declined by one company does not mean that there are not others out there that may consider your application.
If there are issues that make acquiring term life insurance impossible at this time, there are certain steps to follow that may help. Check out this article from our website about What To Do If You're Denied Life Insurance.
Many situations that may limit your ability to buy life insurance now actually improve as more time has passed since the last recurrence. Revisit the process of reviewing options every year or so, depending on the nature of the situation.
To get connected to our RamseyTrusted® provider, Zander Insurance, Here is the link to their website. You may also reach them at 800-356-4282.
You may also reach out to our Customer Success team here with any additional questions.